Sunday, October 28, 2012

Battleground 2012

With the campaign for the President of the United States in its final, fever stretch, I am proud to have published on iTunes a game that simulates the final eight weeks of a campaign.  I developed the game during the 2008 election cycle, using a map drawn on construction paper, individual cards for each state, and a pair of dice to give the game an element of chance.  My daughters loved playing it, and I made four other copies, for nephews and nieces, children of other friends.

So I met a game developer, the CEO of Secret Builders, and we built the game for the iPhone and iPad.  The game is simple but pretty instructive about the role of money in politics, the difference between the electoral and popular vote, the unpredictable turns of events on the campaign trail, and the central fact that the Presidency often comes down to only a handful of states.  

So while we wait out Hurricane Sandy and the candidates presumably head for Battleground states west of the storm, I encourage you to give the game a try.  A premium version with attack ads and a few other bells and whistles should be released this week.  The free game can be found at:

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