More About Brian

I am currently incubating a domestic impact investment fund that will focus on technology businesses that deliver health and education services to underserved populations.

I spent the last eight years at Acumen Fund, where I was the Chief Investment Officer.  There I helped build out our offices in India, Pakistan, Kenya and Ghana, managed $75M of investments into high impact, high growth companies, and raised both philanthropic capital from individuals and institutions and structured a $16M investment capital fund, Acumen Capital Markets.  I still participate on the Investment Committee and believe that Acumen Fund's role in nurturing early stage businesses will continue to play a critical role in development innovations and the growth of the impact investing market.

I am also proud to have co-founded the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE),  developed with Google the performance management software Pulse (a leading application to measure and manage performance metrics), and helped as one of the three architects of the Impact Reporting and Investment Standards (IRIS) with the Rockefeller Foundation and B-Lab.

I have thought deeply and written extensively about how to measure, manage, interpret and communicate social performance data.  In the winter of 2012, I taught a course at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School on Social Entrepreneurship and am a Social Entrepreneur in Residence at the Keller Center in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Princeton University.

When I am not writing, talking or thinking about social innovation and impact investing, I can be found at home trying to maintain an old Victorian house, coaching my daughters' recreational basketball teams, or experimenting in the kitchen with food and brewing beer.  

I am a member of the Henry Crown Fellowship at the Aspen Institute (14th Class) and a Kauffman Fellow (12th Class).

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