Saturday, June 30, 2012

Why Affordable Care Matters...

The Affordable Care Act was upheld by the Supreme Court.  On the one hand, this matters a lot.  On the other hand, it may not.

I am a big believer that the decision is a significant milestone for public policy: we have many big problems to face and the Obama Administration, Congress and the Courts have found a way to make substantial progress on solving one of the hairiest: health care reform.  Obama Care is not perfect and it is still viewed through a highly partisan lens, but when it comes to other big problems we need to solve (climate change, education reform), the recent decision renews my faith that when the stars align, our country is still capable of making (incrementally) good policy.

On the other hand, as Bob Kocher and Mohit Kaushal point out in a recent Forbes article, there is a significant amount of innovation already happening in health care that may not but totally dependent on federal policy.  The unsustainable costs, the aging of our population, and the rise in chronic diseases are a gathering storm.  Entrepreneurs and investors have taken note and are building innovative businesses that increase access, improve personalization and strip out the inefficiencies of health care.

I personally look forward to new innovations in pay for performance that link reimbursement not just to procedures provided, but outcomes delivered.   

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